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Violence against women

Violence against women in Chile is an issue that has been constantly in the media lately, in addition to being socially discussed. These events in recent years have suffered a disturbing and unacceptable increase, which has caused many social movements to arise to be able to defend and protect women, and in this way try to stop this situation. In this way, as a last instance of violence we can find femicides, and as we know, it is the act of causing the death of a woman, in the hands of a man, and only because of being a woman. This act This further emphasizes the disturbing aversive act towards gender. In our country, the forms of aggression against women are becoming more noticeable, violent and unbridled, being present in the media very often lately. 
One of the most worrying things is that these facts do not distinguish between geographical area, color, age, social status or religion. The act will be carried out anyway if that is the will of the aggressor, so the need to stop it is imperative.

Particular problem
In a study of 5,982 women in 11 countries in America, revealed that 30% of Chileans acknowledge having suffered some kind of physical or psychological violence, positioning our country as the second country with the most gender violence.
For this reason, and for many others, the main problem of gender violence is that this situation has been naturalized and massive for decades, ¿the reasons? On the one hand, we can find masochism, which has been naturalized until recently, almost without questioning. On the other hand, and under the same line of action, we can find the little or no regulation of the Government in the previous decades, and just a few years ago laws were started to stop and regulate violence against women. Therefore, it is evident that until recently these aggressions were invisible both socially and politically. As a consequence, the aggressions became more and more common, reason why they ended up being fatal in many cases.

Solutions that may exist on this subject are limited and specific. Everything lies in political and social issues. To begin with, we can find, as a solution, for example, the implementation of laws that regulate misogynist violence, as well as an effective condemnation of those responsible for this type of crime, which falls exclusively on the Government. But the most important thing is to emphasize that the most plausible solution falls on society, because masochism being so established among people, and this will cause that these events will continue happening, will remain invisible, and the only way to stop them is to change the problem root, that is the conception that society has about women.


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