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¿Should students use their cell phones in the classroom?  In Chile, and in the world in general, students use their cell phones while they are in classes. This phenomenon can be caused by the increase of the use of social networks or the use of internet or other types of resources for academic purposes. In this essay, we will review the arguments sorrounding this issue, although this essay will argue why it is better not to use the cell phone in classes.  Use the cell phone in class has some advantages if the student occupies it responsibly. First, cell phone has many applications to help solve doubts about the class, if the student does not understand a point of the subject. Second, using phones today helps in the skills that a person should have in the current 21st century, for example, to work with technology in the future. Finally, the cell phone would help to takes notes in class more quickly, because in the classroom many teachers talk a lot, and students can not write i
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Today, in this blog, I will describe and analyze a graph that show us how much money (in US dollars /millions/) we spent on books in countries like Germany (green), France (blue), Italy (yellow) and Austria (black), in a period of 10 years, since 1995 to 2005. In this graph, we can see that in Germany, in 1995, the money that was spent there reached 80 million dollars, and between 1997 those numbers are increased slightly, so, in 2 years, since 1995 to 1999, those numbers are increased in 10 million dollars. After, since 1999 to 2003, there was a decrease slightly, to 80 million dollars, but since this year to 2005, the numbers went back to rise gradually, surpassing the 90 million dollars. In France, costs are around 55 million dollars in 1995, and to 1999 they rise slowly, until reach 60 million dollars. Later, the numbers go up a little in 2001 (70 million dollars) and increased very slowly till 2005. In Italy, the money that was spent in 1995 start with 50 million dollars, and incr


Pagel start by saying that language can implant ideas in your mind. He start with the story of Babel tower in Bible and says that this story is a warning about the power of language. He references this story because God felt that his power can finish with this tower that people want to make. For this reason, God destroyed the tower and scattered the people, bu giving them different languages, to ensure that the tower would never be rebuilt. I think that this opinion about the origin of language it's kind of religious, and maybe he need to investigate with other focus of attention, but it's a good analogy to start. To understand the evolution, he start to talking about chimpanzees. He says that chimpanzees can't imitate, they can't learn from others mistakes. From my point of view, this explains why chimpanzees have live in this way always, doing the same thing for years. In the other hand, he start to talk about Neanderthals. He says that we are not sure that they


Violence against women Context Violence against women in Chile is an issue that has been constantly in the media lately, in addition to being socially discussed. These events in recent years have suffered a disturbing and unacceptable increase, which has caused many social movements to arise to be able to defend and protect women, and in this way try to stop this situation. In this way, as a last instance of violence we can find femicides, and as we know, it is the act of causing the death of a woman, in the hands of a man, and only because of being a woman. This act This further emphasizes the disturbing aversive act towards gender. In our country, the forms of aggression against women are becoming more noticeable, violent and unbridled, being present in the media very often lately.  One of the most worrying things is that these facts do not distinguish between geographical area, color, age, social status or religion. The act will be carried out anyway if that is the will of

Bio Data

Melisa Ríos Quitral is an undergraduate student, specifically in the last semester of the fifth year of anthropology, at the University of Chile, Santiago, Chile. She received a scholarship for her excellent academic performance in Santa Marta's college, the school that she attended for 12 years. After two years of career in the university, she was the beneficiary of a student exchange, of a duration of 2 semesters, and whose destiny was the United Kingdom for her constant interest in helping with academic activities, in addition to being an assistant in two subjects for each semester. During her stay in the United Kingdom, she studied at the University of Oxford. In that university, she was a participant in two conferences on archeology. Additionally, she was assistant to three laboratory studies about forensic anthropology.  Because of this student exchange, his current research interests lie in the in-depth study of forensic anthropology. She has made, to date, two publication

Bio Data

Melisa Ríos Quitral is an undergraduate student, specifically in fifth year of anthropology, in the University of Chile, Santiago, Chile. She received a scholarship for an excellent achievement in Santa Marta's college, the school that she coursed for 12 year. After two years of career in the university, she was rewarded for her helpful attitude in the activities of the university. 

Free time

Hi classmates! Today, in this blog, I am going to talk about an activity that I like to do in my free time. Lately, I have not had much free time, to be honest. Whatever. I like to draw. In fact, I already mentioned it in a previous post, but it doesn't matter haha. I like to draw people, faces exactly. I remember that when I was 12 I drew a table with a tablecoth on it because I was bored and I couldn't move because I was sick. Lately I have not drawn because it's the end of the semester, so I'm scared right now, but if I have days off, I will draw. This activity involves a lot o patience, perseverance and tolerance to failure, especially at the beginning, because there are times when the drawings do not remain as we want, and you don't need too much money, you just need a paper sheet, an eraser and a pencil (unless you want to paint with oil, that's expensive haha). Now that I think about it, I don't now exactly why I enjoy doing this activity, maybe be