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Showing posts from December, 2018


¿Should students use their cell phones in the classroom?  In Chile, and in the world in general, students use their cell phones while they are in classes. This phenomenon can be caused by the increase of the use of social networks or the use of internet or other types of resources for academic purposes. In this essay, we will review the arguments sorrounding this issue, although this essay will argue why it is better not to use the cell phone in classes.  Use the cell phone in class has some advantages if the student occupies it responsibly. First, cell phone has many applications to help solve doubts about the class, if the student does not understand a point of the subject. Second, using phones today helps in the skills that a person should have in the current 21st century, for example, to work with technology in the future. Finally, the cell phone would help to takes notes in class more quickly, because in the classroom many teachers talk a lot, and students can not write i