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Showing posts from August, 2018

Free time

Hi classmates! Today, in this blog, I am going to talk about an activity that I like to do in my free time. Lately, I have not had much free time, to be honest. Whatever. I like to draw. In fact, I already mentioned it in a previous post, but it doesn't matter haha. I like to draw people, faces exactly. I remember that when I was 12 I drew a table with a tablecoth on it because I was bored and I couldn't move because I was sick. Lately I have not drawn because it's the end of the semester, so I'm scared right now, but if I have days off, I will draw. This activity involves a lot o patience, perseverance and tolerance to failure, especially at the beginning, because there are times when the drawings do not remain as we want, and you don't need too much money, you just need a paper sheet, an eraser and a pencil (unless you want to paint with oil, that's expensive haha). Now that I think about it, I don't now exactly why I enjoy doing this activity, maybe be

App: Instagram

Hi again, cool people <3 In this post I will talk about an app I like the most: Instagram. I remember that when I was in the school, when I was 13 or 14 years old, a friend ask me if I had Instagram, and I said no (then I was just a baby who had a facebook account). I did not what instagram was, so, and just out of curiosity, I created an account. Maybe I like it because Instagram have everything that you can imagine hahaha. In 2013, Instagram was so bored, but with the time and the updates, it become funniest than the other apps that I used to use (I think that's why I closed my facebook account, I didn't need it anymore). Right now, I  use it every hour of the day, or more than this, to be honest, and I like it because I can found art accounts with people who share their drawings and paintings, and I love it.  When this app started to be massive, it was so unconfortable to me, because in the past, when I posted my pictures, only my friends and people I didn't know s