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Showing posts from July, 2018


By doing the tests I can conclude that some words and phrases was more difficult to me than others. I think is easier to me, for example, read texts and answer questions referring to the same text. I think everything that has to do with grammar is more difficult to me, but I think that practicing what is more complicated to me, I can do better in the future.


Hi again, guys! Today, in this post I will talk about an ambition that I would like to achieve in a near future, but I think that is not an ambition, it's like a dream. Whatever. Maybe an ambition that I have is go to another country, specifically India.  This "ambition" started in the summer of 2014, when I was 14. I was running with a friend in a park, and when we stop, we started a really good conversation about countries and beliefs, and we decided to go in the future (maybe after finishing studying our careers, or when we're older) to go to India. I don't know why, but I think that going to this country will be a mystical and magical experience, because were both love that country full of culture and we are sure that this country can teach us many things. So, if one day I think seriously about going to India, and if I have money too, I will go with my friend, because it's like a promise or something similar. Actually I am not doing anything to achiev
Hi again, guys! Today, in this post I will talk about an ambition that I would like to achieve in a near future, but I think that is not an ambition, it's like a dream. Whatever. Maybe an ambition that I have is go to another country, specifically India.  This "ambition" started in the summer of 2014, when I was 14. I was running with a friend in a park, and when we stop, we started a really good conversation about countries and beliefs, and we decided to go in the future (maybe after finishing studying our careers, or when we're older) to go to India. I don't know why, but I think that going to this country will be a mystical and magical experience, because were both love that country full of culture and we are sure that this country can teach us many things. So, if one day I think seriously about going to India, and if I have money too, I will go with my friend, because it's like a promise or something similar. Actually I am not doing anything to achiev

Favorite Animal

HI AGAIN EVERYONE In this post I will talk about my favorite animals of all life: one is the Giraffe :) maybe I like this animal because it's so different from all animals, or maybe because it's tall and I'm not tall or I don't now, it's a cool yellow animal with spots in the entire body. The giraffe is an animal that you can found in the savannas of Africa, and only eat plants (herbivores). And their long tongues (can reach 53 centimetres) serves to reach food.  I like the giraffe many years ago, when I was a little girl, and I dreamed to known this animal. I don't remember exactly the year when I known the giraffe, but maybe I was 10 or 11 years old, in the zoo with my family and my friends. I have pictures of that moment but not digitalized so, you can imagine it haha.  The second one is the Jaguar. This animal is so cool but I can't known it yet. I like it since a couple of years ago and I like it because is an agile animal (and elegant too). Th

A job I would like to do in the future

Hi again, everyone! In this post I will talk about a job I would like to do in the future. Like always, I can’t chose only 1, and they are not exactly “jobs”. The first one: I would like to be a fire woman. Since I was a little girl, I dreamed about being a fire woman and helping those who need it, because firefighters do more than put out fires, they can rescue and save people and animals from situations of risk. That is the satisfaction of being a firefighters, doing a great action for those who need it. In this work, all that is needed is courage, willingness to work as a team and the desire to help. Another job that I would like to do is a foundation to take care of helpless animals, (it does not matter what animal is) like those that live on the streets or those that need operations, to then give them up for adoption to a family that really loves them. To do this foundation I would need a lot of money, the desire to help those animals, and finally, I would only need people wh

Music and Art

Hi everyone! Today I will talk about something that I really love, music and drawing. I will start with the art of drawing and painting. In my personal case, I enjoy drawing portraits, I give my best to do them with a lot of details and improve my drawings. I started drawing when I was 12, on vacation, I was so bored because I was so sick and the first thing I drew was a table, then I began to take confidence and draw people. I have never painted on canvas but I hope to do it one day. And about music, I enjoy to listen indie music, or relaxed music and pop/pop alternative sometimes. Lately I’m obsessed with Bastille, an indie pop band of London. I knew them before,and the first song that I heard of them I think was “sleepsong” but lately I've listened to their music a lot and it's totally fantastic. Another type of music that I love is the music is one that includes piano in the melody, and when I first heard the music of Ludovico Einaudi was amazing. I discovered this pia


Hi guys!! :) I hope you are well! In this post I will talk about food. My favorite food. My relationship with food I think is complicated because my schedules to eat are bad and the food I eat is not the best, and I always feel guilty about it. I think that I always or maybe since a lot of years I am a fan of junk food, celery salad, cookies and coca-cola. It's funny and weird because they're super opposite meals, and I still love them equally. Now, talking specifically of junk food, I need to say that the french fries with coca-cola take the first place in my ranking, followed by “completos”. I know it is neither not healthy or recommended for people at all, but that is still being my favorite (junk) food. Maybe I have to put the cookies in this category because the cookies that I like have chocolate and other unhealthy ingredients. Now I'm going to refer to my super healthy salad, the celery salad. I think that is honestly the healthy food that I most enjoy. Those

Something that I'd like to learn

Hi everyone!! Today in this post I will talk about something that I’d like to learn. In my life I would love to learn a lot of things, but I really would like to learn to play guitar, I even bought a guitar when I was 11 or 12 years old (a pink one, so cute) but I could never learn well, I only learned to play some chords and make some melodies, but that’s all. That’s like my frustrated dream because I am so clumsy with the guitar strings! I try to learn alone and with youtube videos, I swear! But I can’t do it, maybe later, in another opportunity. Actually I have other dream, and I believe that I can fulfill it, is learn another language, portuguese and italian specifically. I love learn languages, and I like so much those two. I think that I can learn it because in the summer I dedicate myself to learning words and phrases, and it's not that difficult! And I enjoy to doing it. I know don’t know english perfectly, but it's enough for me to be able to communicate in an eng

Free topic: Movies

HI EVERYONE!, HOW ARE YOU? Today is a free topic so i chose “movies” is really difficult to me, cause I have a lot of favorite movies currently, but the movie that really love for a long time is "The butterfly effect". I saw this movie when I was 16 years old, and I still loving it, cause it was surprised me. This film has everything: Love, hate, weird scenes, temporal leaps, and an interesting and intriguing plot, that catch you. I love so much these temporal leaps, cause you have to pay attention, or you will not understand after. Here, I can't leave out the handsome men that acts the leading role. It was a joy to see Ashton Kutcher acting like he do. Lately, I obsessed with the action and romantic movies. I don´t know why, maybe I just need to distract myself with any film that I can found. The recent movie that I watched it's "Ciudad de Dios", for a university work. I watched it before, and I like it, because the movie show you the reality of the braz